2020 Web Design Trends

2020 Web Design Trends 2020 Web Tasarım Trendleri,Web Tasarım,Web Tasarım Trendleri,

2020 Web Design Trends 2020 Web Tasarım Trendleri,Web Tasarım,Web Tasarım Trendleri,

2020 Web Design Trends 2020 Web Tasarım Trendleri,Web Tasarım,Web Tasarım Trendleri,

2020 Web Design Trends 2020 Web Tasarım Trendleri,Web Tasarım,Web Tasarım Trendleri, 2020 Web Design Trends 2020 Web Tasarım Trendleri,Web Tasarım,Web Tasarım Trendleri,

As Sıradışı Digital Experience Studio, we leave you alone with the 2020 version of our web design trends article, which we have determined every year.

Web design trends can constantly change according to user experiences and algorithm updates of search engines. Just like in fashion trends, user experience has a very important place in web design trends. As such, simple but effective designs will mark the web design industry in 2020.

The Importance of Responsive Design is Increasing Even More!

Responsive design is undoubtedly at the forefront of web design trends. With the latest updates made by Google, issues such as site speed and mobile compatibility have become very important, while the number of those who turn to responsive design is on the rise. Responsive designs that prioritize minimalist and user experience are both appreciated by users and rewarded by Google. In the updates brought within the scope of SEO, mobile-friendly and fast designs are now more prioritized by Google. Designers in the web software industry, on the other hand, use responsive design on almost all websites they create, in order to both adapt to Google's requests and provide a better experience to users.

Large Fonts and Pastel Colors Create a Stunning Theme

In order for the message to be conveyed by the website owner to be clear and clear, very minimal designs and large fonts are used on the websites. This is undoubtedly one of the most emphasized ‌web design trends recently. Large fonts will continue to be more effective and popular in a more diverse way in 2020. Large fonts are so popular that in some web site designs, the design is shaped directly by typography. Fonts written in large fonts instead of logos, and even illustrations dressed in capital letters instead of images are frequently used. The use of pastel colors throughout the design creates a pleasant and effective look that is not tiring on the eyes, and makes the texts look more emphatic. Thus, visitors are greeted with an effective design and striking messages. This design is especially preferred by people who are on the way to branding or who want to highlight their brand.

Animations and Illustrations Attract Users 

This design trend, which can have a negative impact on site speed but can be overcome with the help of a powerful server, will have a growing place in 2020 as well. While background videos are used especially on websites created for a product promotion, animations can be used in a wide range of areas from brands to blogs. Videos that directly convey the message to be conveyed and animations that make it more entertaining are perfect for attracting the attention of users thanks to their interactive structure. It is possible to reap the benefits in a short time by using this trend to keep users on the site, especially in sectors where the bounce rate is high. For websites that cannot be migrated to more powerful servers, you can benefit from illustrations that are created by a talented designer, so they are both eye-catching and consistent (and of course compatible with the above items) throughout the website.

Split Screen Comes Back

The split screen method, which was once very popular but not used much recently, is among the web design trends in 2020 due to the popularity of minimalism again. Particularly on the rise in the clothing and fashion industries, the split-screen is preferred by users who want to convey multiple messages, but who also want their websites to display a flawless layout. The split screen, created by dividing the rectangular pattern into two, four or more parts depending on its size, enables clothing brands to create an impressive design like a product catalog. You can have a very marginal appearance by placing the divided parts on the site in an asymmetrical way, and you can include more than one content by using scroll effects on these parts.

In addition to all this, the general web design trends of 2020 will be minimal and bold designs. Designs that are crowned with the responsive method, convey the message directly to the user and are visually elegant, are at the top of the trends in terms of user experience.


You can contact us to benefit from our original web design works.